
Showing posts from January, 2019

The Best Games to Play at a Family Reunion

As children grow into adults, they’re encourage to spread their wings. In some cases, this ‘taking flight’ sees them soar away from their family – often to different parts of the country, even internationally. On those occasions when families do reunite, enjoying one another’s company, sharing experiences, reminiscing, playing games and laughing are essential to keeping the affection and security of a family nucleus together. Why? Well, it’s paramount that families know wherever life takes them, however far the geographical distance may be, they’re always a family. Now family gatherings do vary in style. Some are raucous events, filled with unreserved emotions. Others are more subdued affairs. But, what cannot be argued is that playing family games online, or offline helps bond families together – and should be a part of any reunion. We recently had a wedding in Portugal and it rained one day, so we decided to give a few modern games a try. Here are some games that you can sugg...