
Showing posts from July, 2019

CSR in the UAE: Why the UAE Is an Amazing Place to Live

The UAE is home to over 8.4 million expats, who make 80% of the total population. They have many reasons to relocate here because it is one of the best places to live in the world. Nonetheless, in this article, we are going to go beyond the most commonly cited reasons like high-paying jobs and excellent business opportunities. We are going to see how CSR initiatives and sustainability projects make the UAE an amazing place to live. I run a chair rentals Dubai service, the wood used for some of my chairs is what got me interested in social responsibility. Ethical materials and ethical business practices became my interest.  How CSR Makes the UAE an Ideal Place to Live  Thanks to Corporate Social Responsibility, companies have the opportunity to help society with different projects that target specific problems. To cite a few examples: Help the environment with eco-friendly initiatives  Support vulnerable populations (ex: children with special needs)  Boos...