Three PC and Mobile Receipt Scanning Software Programs for SMEs
If we’re honest, we’d all like to be more organised than we are. Generally, this isn’t just a trait limited to one set demographic, it’s something that transcends everyone’s life. Ask your colleagues, family, friends or neighbours and the honest answer will probably be something like, ‘I’m organised, I think. But, I could be better.’ Our organisational skills (or lack thereof, in some cases) are highlighted when it comes to keeping track of our expenses. Unless you have already invested in a receipt scanner, the odds are that your professional or personal receipts are stuffed in a drawer, stacked precariously on shelves or have become forgotten, having been left in your wallet. However, if you’re frustrated and finding it difficult to be organised, don’t despair there is a solution. An OCR receipt scanner can be the answer to your problems, helping you to keep track of your expenditure and better budget for the future. Here’s a look at three PC and mobile receipt scanning progra...