Where to Download Maps for Rusted Warfare?

How to Download Maps for Rusted Warfare?

Rusted Warfare is an amazing RTS game with old school graphics. If you enjoyed games like Command and Conquer decades ago, then you will probably also love this great game. It is available on Android and in the past few years it has also been made available for PC gamers. I just use an Android tablet so I will just be talking about downloading maps for that, although there will probably be some crossover e.g. Steam.

For Android phones and tablets:

You need to find a download link for a map. Download it to your device. Open Rusted Warfare. Click on Mods (at the bottom of the list). Then click on Import New Mod. Find the map file, or you can select multiple maps at the same time. Click Import. Then you should click Reload Mod Data. Then click Save Selection. 

That's it. Now you can go back to the main menu, click Single Player. Then click on Your Maps (from storage) and you will be able to select your new maps. Some come with thumbnails, some don't. It can be a little time consuming when you have many maps as they don't all automatically sort perfectly. But these are free maps that fans have created so it is not an issue. 

Let's get down to business....

Where Can I Download Maps For Rusted Warfare?

- The official Rusted Warfare Discord server: https://discord.com/invite/rustedwarfare 

This is a great place to download maps. There are 2 rooms with the old one being #map-archive and the new one being #maps

- The AEA Discord server: https://discord.com/invite/3363wsXVR3

This has a number of maps worth downloading. Nice and easy. 

There also used to be a spammy Android map called something like Rusted Wardate but it has extremely invasive ads and doesn't seem to have maps anymore. The app is so dodgy that it wouldn't surprise me if it put harmful files on your device; I am pretty sure it almost broke the actual game with something dodgy once, so it is best to avoid it.

Hopefully I will find some more map resources, but for now the 2 Discord servers have plenty for you to be enjoying.

More Rusted Warfare Resources can be found at https://corrodinggames.com/links
This includes a few other links for fans, such as the Rusted Warfare Sub-Reddit and Steam Community page. These links will open up the modding world to you, which I haven't got into yet. 

To All The Rusted Warfare Maps Creators - Thank You

I and many others are extremely grateful for the time you put into making Rusted Warfare maps available for others for free. 


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